Can you have too many throw pillows? Ted, don't answer that. Seriously. I'm not talking to you. Although let me remind you that new pillows are cheap compared to new couches, so maybe you should shut the hell up. But I digress. Here's what I started with:

A Not-Great "Before" Photo of Couch
It's been a while since we've talked pillows, so to refresh everyone's memory, here are the fabrics I chose for the new ones:

I made some inquiries on Etsy, pricing the cost of having the fabric turned into pillows. I have what some might say is an irrational fear of sewing machines. I don't understand how they work, and I am positive that if I tried to operate one I'd sew myself to the fabric. I have been assured that this is unlikely, but I remain unconvinced. If you knew me in real life, you would understand.

Anyway. Etsy proved a tad pricey for this newly frugal gal, but fate intervened in the form of T-Dawg's mother-in-law, the estimable Norma Panetta (you just know she makes an incredible spaghetti sauce, right? Is that racial profiling? Whatever...) who is 83, adorable, and an expert seamstress.

In a matter of weeks, she whipped up about 18 pillow cases for me, and they ARE AWESOME. Seriously. The photos are not going to do them justice, but you know there are going to be photos anyway. Lots of them. So let's get started:

What's that? Not enough close-ups? Oh, don't worry:

And for those of you who are concerned with how well the new pillows go with the Moroccan rugs that I freed from the attic and laid down in the living room (you know you're out there), I have photo for you as well:

I still think that they look better in real life than in any of these pictures, but you're going to have to take my word for it, cause I'm not giving out my address here. I mean, come on, hello, STALKERS! (Fuck you, I could have a stalker. You don't know.)

Anyway, my living room has gone from a very neutral beigey/muted-gold room to looking basically like a Turkish bazaar. I'm thinking of buying a hookah and shit as a prop, and constantly playing Berber folk music in the background to give the whole thing just a little more authenticity. Although then I'd probably end up smoking hash in the hookah, getting totally paranoid, and locking myself in a closet for five days. So maybe I'll just stop with the pillows.